Who doesn’t love a good book? And better yet, who doesn’t love a good book about teeth or the Tooth Fairy? Perfect for any occasion (or as holiday stocking stuffers), we’ve gathered a list of eight fun, silly, creative, and educational children’s books that would most definitely receive the Tooth Fairy’s stamp of approval!

By Victoria Kann
In this silvery (yet still very pink) adventure, Pinkalicious loses a tooth, but it isn’t any old tooth – it’s her sweet tooth! Without it, she finds that candy and treats don’t taste sweet! Pinkalicious pen in hand, she writes a note to the Tooth Fairy, but ends up hearing back from Cupid, the Easter Bunny and a Christmas elf. In the end, it takes the help of the Tooth Fairy herself to help Pinkalicious learn where sweetness really comes from!

Throw Your Tooth on the Roof
By Selby B. Beeler & G. Brian Karas
Take a tooth-filled adventure around the world with this funny and educational read. Selby B. Beeler, the books author, spent years collecting tooth traditions from every corner of the globe! Illustrated by G. Brian Karas, this book is a great way to teach little ones about Tooth Fairy and tooth traditions from around the world. Do you throw your tooth on the roof?

Brush, Brush, Brush!
By Alicia Padron
Perfect for parents looking for a fun way to introduce their pre-schoolers to the world of picture books and the building blocks of great oral hygiene, Brush, Brush, Brush! uses bright, cheery pictures to illustrate the most important steps for brushing our teeth – everything from putting the right amount of toothpaste on our brush to rinsing well! Parents and children can also sing this book to the to tune of “Do Your Ears Hang Low?” – making daily brushing even more fun!

Open Wide: Tooth School Inside
By Laurie Keller
Tooth School is officially in session! The one and only Dr. Flossman can’t wait to meet the incoming class of 32 permanent teeth. There’s so much to learn! From flossing and brushing, to the parts of a tooth, to the basics of tooth decay – Dr. Flossman is ready to teach this zany bunch of pearly whites to take care of themselves (while teaching young readers how to care for their smile).

My Wobbly Tooth Must Not Ever Never Fall Out
By Lauren Child
Charlie and Lola are at it again, and this time Lola’s got her first wiggly, wobbly tooth! And she’s determined to hold on to it until she finds out about the Tooth Fairy, that is. This fun, and ever so lovely read is perfect for Charlie and Lola fans as well as children who are less than thrilled with the idea of having a tooth fall out.

Peppa Pig: The Tooth Fairy
By Scholastic Books
Peppa Pig fans (and parents of Peppa Pig fans) rejoice! Based on the hit TV series and characters created by Neville Astley and Mark Baker , this fun read follows Peppa Pig through losing her first tooth! Peppa just can’t wait to put her tooth under her pillow. If she does, will the Tooth Fairy really come? And if she does, what will she leave?

Clarabella’s Teeth
By An Vronbaut
Clarabella is a crocodile and she has a lot of teeth! While her friends Rosie, Max, Liam, and Zoe are out playing, Clarabella is still busy brushing all her teeth! With the help of a very special toothbrush from her friends, Clarabella finds that she can have time to brush all of her teeth and play with her friends! Simple, fun, and brightly colored – this animal-filled story is ideal for younger children.

The Tooth Fairy Wars
By Katie Combs
Nathan has lost his first tooth and he is determined to keep it. Unfortunately for Nathan, the Tooth Fairy has other ideas – she’s determined to get that tooth, and won’t be stopped by this little boy! Accordingly, an imaginative and hilarious war of wills ensues as both Nathan and the Tooth Fairy do everything in their power to GET THAT TOOTH!
What are some of your family’s favorite tooth-filled reads?