Tooth Fairy Certificate
A special notice from:
The Department of Baby Tooth Collection
In conjunction with Faries for Healthier Teeth, the Department for Baby Tooth Collection is proud to announce that Dr. Lennie and Dr. Mike of Best Dentist 4 Kids have become official spokespeople for the Department of Baby Tooth Collection!
As such, Dr. Lennie and Dr. Mike have now been given full access to the DBTC’s complete catalog of promotional and educational materials including: official DBTC stationary, print-n-color activty pages, and official letters from the Tooth Fairy!
Here at the Department of Baby Tooth Collection, our mission consists of two things: educating little ones about their teeth and helping to celebrate the arrival of the grown-up teeth!
Download Our Tooth Fairy Approved Activities Today!
Fill out the form below to recieve BD4K updates and to download an official signed and sealed letter from the desk of the Tooth Fairy herself (or himself, dependng on the letter you choose) certifiying the collection of one baby tooth! Slip this under your child’s pillow for morning smiles…